Ronin Russwurm in Frankenfels | BibleManagement

Well, here we go ...

This is my personal page with projects, links, tools, blog and other stuff I need. If you like it – great – if not – that’s fine as well.


Other Resources

Beside this page there is some other interesting stuff out there.

One is my German-Austrian dictionary. Improve your austrian language abilities at Ostarrichi or Österreichisch. Not to forget the page about Bairisch.

Then there are pages about Sinhala and Ceylon (but pretty old already).

Mainly I am working for/with/at ISNED.

And there is a very interesting new company called Technikwerker in Dorfen going to deliver cool stuff.

I am also doing some stuff for the Atlas Body Center and embedded labs. Have a look at them.

And an experiment about - well - let's say "food" and "cooking". You will find it at KingKorn.BiO.

There is some stuff about web pages, web development and SEO over here as well. One is the SEO special characters page.

Great horror movie from Diego where I had a look being the executive producer "Desomorfina".

Looong time ago some friends and I founded ANDTEK, so you can have a look what cool stuff they are doing today. And this is also a good place to remember Stefan Großberger, alias "Grasl".

And if you finally want to move on in life and you have no idea how - there is my "Act.Act?Act!" page where you get all the stuff you need to know.

And finally a completely useless site for RolandDerSuperheld.

And really finally a strange project for Lohinuma. Maybe you figure out yourself what it is about ;)