So spricht der HErr: Sie kommen so gerüstet und mächtig, wie sie wollen, so sollen sie doch umgehauen werden und dahinfahren. Ich habe dich gedemütigt; aber ich will dich nicht wiederum demütigen.
NAH 1:12 (LUT12)
1:13 Alsdann will ich sein Joch, das du trägst, zerbrechen und deine Bande zerreißen.
1:14 Aber wider dich hat der HErr geboten, dass deines Namens kein Same mehr soll bleiben. Vom Hause deines Gottes will ich dich ausrotten, die Götzen und Bilder will ich dir zum Grab machen; denn du bist zunichte geworden.
Management with the Bible
Use the insights and wisdom of the bible to improve your social,
management and communications abilities. This free and independent page helps you in
improving your personal and business life to fully explore your potential.
The Bible as Management Compendium
The Bible is the most printed and widespread book in the world.
Beside being very important for various religions it is a amazing
source of wisdom which was collected, arranged and harmonized during centuries.
Therefore the Bible is not just a religious ruleset but supplies
you with a lot of examples for successful behaviour in your daily life.
The Bible helps you to improve your business as well as your private life unbelievably.
The bible delivers you steer your personal and business life in an ongoing
positive direction.
Independent of your own religiousness you will discover helpful information
to advance and move forward into a wonderful future.
There are over 2 billion Christians worldwide using the Bible or parts
of it as their base for their life.
Therefore the Bible is the most used written work for a community.
There is no other management or self-help book in the world having
so many supporters.
Use the insights of the Bible for yourself and the people
around you to enhance life.
All parts of "Bible Management" are independent and are not
associated or sponsored by any religious organization.
Over here we are only discussing about the positive aspects
for your personal and professional life.
This is the place for people who want to life a fulfilling life,
independent of their confession of faith. We truly belief that the
Bible is helpful for all of us.